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Brad Burrows

Brad Burrows

Park Agility

General Manager

Profile URL

Tell us about yourself

I have a multidisciplinary background in the IT industry and have worked across a variety of roles and sectors, including Defence, biotechnology, banking & finance, and parking and property technology.

What are the top 3 trends in your transport/smart city niche that everyone should look out for in the next 5 years?

Smart cities are all about using data to make things run more smoothly, so expect to see more use of that in parking technology over the coming years – to reduce congestion and emissions and to make the customer experience in parking more streamlined and efficient. You’ll see this with more useful and accurate wayfinding signage in key decision points, not just in car parks but at a precinct level on main roads into busy areas and of course via API’s. Bay availability data will increasingly find its way to Mobility as a Service solutions and in car navigation systems, so drivers can plan ahead and be guided in real time to available parking.

How do you/your company innovate?

Our goal is always to ensure our products and solutions are the most accurate, flexible, and performant on the market. With Parking Guidance Solutions, there is nothing worse than having wayfinding signage that is not correct because it is updating too slowly or seeing a green light telling you a parking bay is available only to then find that it’s occupied. Accuracy matters and we put a lot of effort into ensuring both the software and the hardware we deliver to our customers offers greater than 99% accuracy, and that signs are updated every 10-20 seconds 24 x 7, especially during peak usage.

Why is encouraging innovation, new ideas, and tech important?

Our culture embodies constant innovation because there are always new features that can be added and improvements that can be made. Any technology that is not evolving will soon be overtaken by a competitor. For these reasons, we continually innovate to ensure that our products are the best that they can be for the benefit of both our customers and the end users, which are the drivers. This enables our customers - retail centres, airports, hospitals, clubs, Councils and CBD building asset owners - to offer a quality parking experience for their customers.  And we believe our solutions are a solid contributor to smarter communities.  Already we help tens of thousands of people to save a few minutes finding a park every day. That adds up to very significant productivity gains for the community and local business. We are also contributing to significant reductions in emissions, so having a positive impact on the environment.



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