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Maurie Stang

Maurie Stang

Aeris Environmental


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Tell us about you, and your career journey?

I am currently the Chairman of Aeris Environmental, an Australian company and global leader in the development of product technologies that improve performance, efficiencies and sustainability for built environments and the people who occupy them.I have over 30 years’ experience in the Australasian healthcare market with significant experience and an extensive network within the life-sciences, pharmaceutical and finance sectors, both in Australia and internationally. I have interests in various ASX listed public companies and hold directorships for various research and regional healthcare groups and companies.

In your opinion, what are the top 3 trends in the transport industry niche that everybody should look out for in the next 5 years?

1. Improved air quality – The Delta strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has brought attention to the importance of air quality in enclosed spaces. Buses, trains, and trams all use heating, cooling and ventilation systems that are in constant use, sometimes for 24 hours a day. As air passesthrough HVAC systems, filters and coils become clogged with dirt, dust, moisture, mould and bacteria, which could lead to the spread of viruses such as SARS-CoV-2. This not only reduces the efficiency of the system, but it also presents significant health risks for passengers and transport workers. Adjusting HVAC protocols to address and improve air quality on public transport will benefit workers, passengers, and the broader community.

2. Restoring and retaining public confidence – Public transport serves millions of Australians Who use it for work, education, leisure and more. Community transmission of COVID-19 on buses and trains, however, has caused a decline in public transport use. As we learn to live with COVID, we need to find ways to restore public confidence in our systems and protocols and demonstrate that the industry cares about keeping its workers, and the wider community safe. Better filtration systems combined with solutions that reduce the spread of viruses and bacteria via touch points and surfaces such as rails, seats, door handles and other hard surfaces promotes a progressive and holistic approach to keeping Australian Safe. New product technologies that integrate residual protection that help to reduce the spread of viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, Influenza and Norovirus will be the game-changers in learning to live with COVID-19.

3. Learning from our global counterparts - Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) has applied a new filter treatment spray to the filters of more than 350 of their buses.Milwaukee County hasn’t quite reached COVID-19 vaccination rates that they would like, but they have adjusted their systems to make sure that they protect the vulnerable in their community while continuing to operate for those who need to use their services. Learning From the successes of our overseas counterparts will help Australia’s transport move forward and do better for everyone.

How does your company innovate?

Our more than 50 researchers, chemists, microbiologists, and medical engineers in Australia And around the globe use data to assess all climate-controlled environments, buildings, trains, planes, trucks, and ships during the product development process. With a scientific approach to real-world problems, we aim to deliver solutions that help systems perform better, last longer and cost less to run. We have leading infection control experts among our team through our partnership with Novapharm Research. We seek scientific validations and TGA listings in Australia and the equivalents around the globe. Our scientific approach has led to the development of globally patented technologies that not only reduce the spread of viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, Influenza and Norovirus but also provide residual protection, which will be the real game-changer in reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Why is encouraging innovation, new ideas, and applying new technology important?

The global pandemic exemplifies the need for continued innovation. The SARS-CoV-2 virus has impacted individuals, the community, businesses and economies significantly over the past 18 months. It is through new technologies and fresh approaches to real-world problems that we can remain ready for future challenges and limit the impact on the lives of Australians.

Aeris Environmental's website

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