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Toni Kendall-Troughton

Toni Kendall-Troughton



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Tell us about yourself

I started out in technology sector 25 years ago - as a women it was a fight to get a job in tech at that time. I became an IT Consultant, IT Service Director and in 2007 decided to open my own company as I truly believed customers and staff deserved more. I opened my first company in 2007 which I later sold. In 2014 I built an interest in AI and also the growing sector of micromobility. It was clear that traditional technology could not deal with the complexity of the micromobility sector which led me to opening a new company to deliver SaaS for micromobility.

What are the top 3 trends in your transport/smart city niche that everyone should look out for in the next 5 years?

Energy efficiency and green solutions, Connecting all transport modes to empower users of the system and transport efficiency through adapting to need.

How do you/your company innovate?

We are always looking to the future with a goal of improving the user experience, reducing inefficiency and green adoption. We explore many innovative ideas and inspiration comes from many areas - a true sign that we have found something interesting is when the team get excited about how the innovation could improve peoples lives and what the potential is that we could deliver.

Why is encouraging innovation, new ideas, and tech important?

Moving forward is exciting to the team. We want to improve everyones transport experience and encourage environmental considerations.

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