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Viktoriia Betina

Viktoriia Betina

Ramboll Germany

Transport and mobility Consultant

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Tell us about yourself

Dr. Betina has 8 years of experience working within global EU, EBRD, WB, GIZ, UNDP, local government founded transport and mobility development projects. Her international background covers multimodal transport projects in Asia, Africa and EaP countries. She obtained a strong experience in enabling sustainable mobility, as well as public transport sector development, mainly for: smart data, development of multimodal hubs, sustainable urban transport development, route network improvements (developing BRT network), market size analysis in terms of passenger groups, revenue and seasinability; Benchmarking in railway and new mobility service. Moreover, the last two years she works on gender impact and differences in transport service development, as well as planning.

What are the top 3 trends in your transport/smart city niche that everyone should look out for in the next 5 years?

New mobility service analysis; multimodal hubs allocation and service planning; urban transport modes integration; corporate development with a focus on digitalisation and data share; smart data; development of SUMPs

How do you/your company innovate?

Pushing ideas for researches and analysis in transport innovative sector; getting initiated projects

Why is encouraging innovation, new ideas, and tech important?

It makes data storage and sharing both for users and for operators much easier and safer. Innovations have a positive impact on environment; technics could save operational costs in the future for transport operators; new ideas and innovations make cities smart and integrated; supports to save users private costs for daily traveling.

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